About Us

Tulare Youth Service Bureau’s Board of Directors and Agency Staff wish to thank all of our community partners, funders, the Tulare County Health and Human Services Agency, the City of Tulare, and most importantly, the families we serve for their ongoing support over the last forty years.

Our VISION is that children and families are happy, healthy, and empowered to achieve their highest potential; becoming self-reliant, accomplished, and able to determine and shape the future.

Our MISSION is to provide children and families compassionate, culturally sensitive mental health services that nurture hope, strengths, and healthy relationships at home, school and in the community.

We are committed to honoring the families and agencies we partner with, while at the same time providing Tulare Youth Service Bureau staff with an enriched working environment that enhances personal growth.

Full range services available in English, Spanish, Portuguese & Tagalog, with other languages available upon request.

Board Members
Tom Griesbach (Chairman) Community Member at Large
Jason Edwards (Vice-Chair) Director of Special Education, Tulare Joint Union High School District
Brian Hollingshead (Secretary) Superintendent, Tulare City School District
Darcy Massey - Treasurer Family Advocate, Child Welfare Services
Cathy Mederos Community Member at Large
Robert Martindale Community Member at Large
Jon Hamlin Lieutenant, Tulare Police Department
Marlen Ramirez - Gong School Psychologist, Tulare City School District
Michelle Nunley Principal, Tulare Union High School
Staci Soares Vice Principal, Valley Oak Charter School
Steve Duyst Pastor, Tulare Community Church
Tony Rodriguez Superintendent, Tulare Joint Union High School District
Sylvia Hanna Public Defender’s Office
Tulare Youth Service Bureau (TYSB) opened in 1971 as a” drop-in center” for at risk youth. Originally named, Operation Helping Hand, in its first decade, TYSB expanded to provide services in all Tulare City schools and outlying rural communities. In 1987, the Agency was able to partner with Tulare County Mental Health and expand services under the Federal EPSDT (Early, Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment) Medi-Cal program. Also in 1980’s, TYSB recognized the need to have a well-trained team to serve children and families impacted by sexual abuse. Annually, TYSB maintains efforts to secure grant funding to support this program. In 2009, under the newly funded Mental Health Services Act, TYSB successfully expanded its Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Program to some the most rural areas of Tulare County.